
Call of duty cold war steam key
Call of duty cold war steam key

call of duty cold war steam key

Then give us the Year 2 that we were supposed to receive, the Year 2 that we were promised, the Year 2 that we deserved. Port it to Steam, "flip the switch" for crossplay and port everyone's stats onto the current servers with the last 4 CoDs, so no one would have to start over (I know it's not that simple).Ĭonsolidate, revitalize, reinvigorate, and instill growth into the playerbase that is still hanging on by a thread. I'd love to see Black Ops 4 get a complete overhaul and re-release. The engine made for BO4 was kind of a disaster, and it showed throughout its cut-short lifespan. The game being ported to Steam would require more effort than Treyarch can currently afford, given what we know about Activision. The real reason BO4 is not on Steam with the others is because it's the last CoD before crossplay was implemented, among other issues. Simply go to /r/CODZombies or set the Redesign as your default experience in preferences. Redesignįor the best /r/CODZombies experience, consider using the Reddit Redesign! The Moderators are not affiliated with, nor are their actions influenced, encouraged, or condoned by Activision-Blizzard or their subsidiaries. The Moderators reserve the right to remove any submission deemed detrimental to the subreddit.

call of duty cold war steam key

r/CODZombies is the developer-supported, community-run subreddit for the Call of Duty Zombies community.Ĭall of Duty Zombies is a first-person shooter co-op mode developed by Treyarch, Infinity Ward, and Sledgehammer Games and published by Activision.įor full descriptions and examples, visit our Rules wiki.

Call of duty cold war steam key